
萬寶祿特級本草活性酵素One Power Premium Herbal Active Enzymes

『萬寶祿特級本草活性酵素』,萬寶祿生技公司曾經以「万宝禄天然草本营养保健品 OP2Product;One Power Nutriherbal Health Supplement OP2」名稱出口新加坡、中國及香港,皆獲大眾好評,萬寶祿生技公司林董事長,秉著為人類健康謀福祉的精神,在生物科技技術上,多年來不斷一直增加更多的研發技術團隊,也投入更多人力,精選更多新鮮全天然不含農藥成份的食材,將「万宝禄天然草本营养保健品」在生物技術上不斷的精進,讓「万宝禄天然草本营养保健品 OP2Product:One Power Nutriherbal Health Supplement OP2」躍進成為對人體除了補充平日無法均衡吸收的營養外,更提升成為對人體增強抵抗力及免疫力等。

With“OP2 Product: One Power Nutriherbal Health Supplement OP2", One Power Bio Technology Co., Ltd. has been acclaimed by the general public in Singapore, China and Hong Kong. With the efforts to seek to benefits for human beings´ health, the Chairman of One Power BioTech, Ms. Lin, has devoted great deal of manpower in research team to improve biotechnologies for decades. More fresh ingredients without pesticide are also used to enhance the“OP2 Product" via newly developed biotechnologies. Therefore, our new product, has made a great leap forward than before, named as“One Power Premium Herbal Active Enzymes", not only assists human body to replenish nutrients that are not absorbed evenly, but was also found to enhance immunity by various experiments consistently. As the saying goes, our new product has been “gathering the aura from the heaven and the mother earth; extracting the essence of a hundred herbs"; thus, we believe the latest product can continue to prevent various diseases and ensure the health of human beings.


One Power Premium Herbal Active Enzymes, which is different from the general fermented nutrient solution, is a serum of nine-month fermentation of various fresh fruits and vegetables, including natural herbs and plants. By newly developed technologies, we believe it is more easily absorbed by the body to improve the fragile constitution for further disease prevention.


At present, One Power Bio Technology Co., Ltd. will continuously develop a series of natural nutrition and health foods that could be beneficial to prevent human diseases. We believe our products have potentials to enhance immunity and to reduce the incidence of human disease. Also, it will let human life healthier and live longer, and make the society more peaceful and progressive.